- You must be 18 years of age or older to sign up for any course offered by Dallas Comedy Club. Students 17 years old or younger must have a parent or guardian register for them.
- Dallas Comedy Club reserves the right to accept or deny any individual’s enrollment at any time and for any reason.
- Registration is non-refundable and non-transferable. All sales are final.
- Dallas Comedy Club reserves the right to postpone, reschedule, or cancel a course as necessary. In the rare event of a cancellation, you will be notified by email or phone with the option to apply your purchased credit to a future class.
- Dallas Comedy Club reserves the right to replace any instructor with an equally qualified instructor at any time and without notice.
- By enrolling in a class you agree to join Dallas Comedy Club’s school newsletter & mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Get the most out of your classes by showing up! Arrive on time, if not early! You are allowed to miss one class, no questions asked. If you must miss a second class you must tell your instructor about your absence ahead of time, even if it’s just an hour before class. If you miss more than two classes you will not receive credit for the course.
Being more than 15 minutes late for class will count as an absence.
As a student, you are required to see shows on the topic you are studying. Students will receive an ID card for free access to shows (based on availability). Writing courses will have written homework assignments. Failure to complete homework will result in the student having to retake the course.
Participating in and completing courses at Dallas Comedy Club does not guarantee level advancement or promotion to Club Team player; placements in courses and on teams is contingent on attitude, attendance, and the instructor’s assessment of a student’s ability to demonstrate learned concepts.
There’s nothing funny about tardiness, disrespect, or inappropriate behavior. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students are expected to be timely, attentive, courteous, and professional at all times. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from class and/or the theater in general. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Showing up late, taking extended breaks, or leaving class early
- Being intoxicated or consuming drugs or alcohol before or during class
- Damaging or destroying any DCC property
- Inappropriate verbal, physical, or sexual conduct with students, faculty, or staff
- Consuming food or drinks (other than water) in class
- Repeatedly disrupting the classroom and causing distractions
- Using electronic devices in class
Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Harassment:
All DCC employees and students have a responsibility to keep the work, classroom, and performance environment free of every form of discrimination and harassment. Anyone who becomes aware of an incident of discrimination or harassment, whether by witnessing or being told of an incident, must report it to the General Manager, Director of Education, or Executive Director.
Students/Faculty who purposefully or accidentally destroy property at Dallas Comedy Club will be charged for the full cost of replacement or repair. Payments must be made prior to student/faculty rejoining their course or enrolling in further courses.
Firearms are NEVER allowed at Dallas Comedy Club; this applies to both open-carry and concealed handguns. Students or staff who ignore this policy will be subject to a full expulsion from DCC.
By enrolling in a course at Dallas Comedy Club, you recognize and accept the inherent risks and hazards involved in your participation in theater and classroom activities. You agree that your participation is at your own risk, and that Dallas Comedy Club is not liable for any losses, costs, or expenses of any kind (including legal costs) which may arise, directly or indirectly, from your activities at, your access to, or your use of Dallas Comedy Club’s property. You understand that you assume full responsibility for any and all loss, including personal injury (including death) and property damage that may result from participation in Dallas Comedy Club activities.
Furthermore, by enrolling, you hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Dallas Comedy Club, including its officers, directors, agents and employees, for any and all claims, damages, costs (including attorneys’ fees), and causes of action which may arise as a result of your participation in Dallas Comedy Club activities.
Dallas Comedy Club is not responsible for lost or stolen property.