Instructor: Nick Cutelli
Attendance: Kyra, Vanessa, Katherine, Will, Kelly, Dan, Jami, Hannah, Tom, Zoe(y) drop in
Admin: Signed conduct forms and got student IDs
- Today’s The Day
- Don’t ask questions, give details and gifts instead
- RELATIONSHIPS are what matter, build the scene around the relationship, not an unseen object, or the activity happening, don’t talk about someone who isn’t there
- Be an actor
- If you swipe or get the suggestion → Start the scene! Don’t leave the stage blank
- Improvising since 2009, also a stand up
- Improv Style – strong energy, go quickly, be funny, don’t dangle
- Goal: FUNNY
- Let scenes develop
- Focus and give your attention, know when the scene is done
Warm Up
- Zip Zap Zop
- Pass/point memory and listening game
- Passed Name, Fruit, and Colors concurrently
- Key takeaway to listen to everything happening onstage, make the eye-contact
- Walking around the room to stop and re-start walking as a collective, in unison
- Key takeaway to use peripherals to really take in everything happening on the “stage”
Today’s The Day (TTD)
- Tell the audience and your partner everything right up top, don’t leave them with questions – who, what, why, where
- “Ms name, I’ve got your medical records here” establishes
- Dr patient relationship
- Location at dr office
- Discussing medical records
- Don’t ask questions, instead give your partner the gift of all the information and details
- Drive the scene, don’t start with ambiguous object work or waiting a long time to establish the scene
- Not “playing” the scene but rather “building” the scene with all the details
- Two lines, one initiates TTD style, other reacts and builds scene
Set Up
- Details!
- Not “a store” it is “a Walmart in Alabama”
- Not “a soda” it is a “Mountain Dew”
- Start with generic object/location and everyone add detail
- Always be thinking about how the information in the scene is impacting the relationship
- Tell the audience why whatever is happening is a big deal, what does it mean to the relationship
- Sitcoms are all successful in the relationship of the characters (e.g., cheers)
- Hostage, 2 improvisers back to back can’t look at each other to make a scene about the relationship, giving Today’s The Day
- Scene examples:
- Family traditions and earning a seat at the table
- Having what it takes to be a “regular” at the fruit store
- Man seeing death all around him to feel closeness
- Individual acting up at work to get the attention of her friend that got her the job
- Scene examples:
- It is okay to have an ABC family moment as long as you are also hitting the funny in the scene
- Takeaways
- Be an actor
- Make the scene about the relationship
- React/Respond/Listen
- Not “playing” the scene, but rather “building” the scene with all the details
- Pauses are fine in a scene as long as we have made clear to the audience and our scene partners where we are going, makes the pause not concerning
- Inner monologue, stepping out to tell the audience what our objectives or true feelings are in a scene
- Scene examples:
- Pie Inspectors
- Art class money making scheme
- Kidnapped daughter
- Scene examples:
- Adding interest by changing your objective in a scene, taking someone else’s objective, “pimp” someone into admitting their objective within the scene
Montage with all we learned
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