- Who, What, Where – in every scene we want to know who we are to each other. What we are doing and where we are. This helps lay the groundwork for where we can build the scene upon. They don’t necessarily have to be in that exact order or all in one sentence, but they should be figured out at the top of the scene.
- First thing – We generate so many ideas in improv and you all have such creative minds! To help from things getting too messy, it’s best to go with the first thing said in a scene. So if you come up with an idea but your partner speaks first with theirs! Support them and just let yours go and vice versa. You can still build the scene together! We want to treat others’ ideas like their gold. We are in this together!
- A to C thinking – Your A thought comes from what the original suggestion makes you think of, your B thought comes from what that previous word makes you think of and to take it one step further, your C thought is what you gather from that word and this will be an idea or initiation from which you could begin a scene.
Additional Notes
- Questions are a tricky subject. If you do ask a question, it should move the scene forward rather than a way to stall or put all the pressure on your scene partner.
- Eye contact is important! It keeps you engaged and focused on your scene partner.
- Starting the scene off with scene work can add a different layer to your scene and paint a better stage picture for the audience to see.
- Play to the height of your intelligence. Remember you are the expert!
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