General Info
During this class term
- You can go to any show for free with you student ID (as long as the show isn’t sold out)
- You need to attend 1 show and 1 jam
o Jams are Wednesday night at 9 and Sunday at 4
o Once a month there is a short-form jam (keep an eye on social media)
Dane’s phone number 941-685-1164
Group Work
Freeze Tag
● Scene is happening. Someone on the side yells freeze. Players freeze, person takes one of their
spots and changes the scene but starts from their (physical) position.
Alphabet Game
● Each word starts with the next letter of the alphabet
● Names are helpful in this one
● Enjoy the struggle
● 3 person scene
● One person can only speak in 1 word sentences
● One person can only speak in 3 work sentences
● One person can only speak in 7 word sentences
*the game restrictions make it fun. We like the struggle
Foreign Film
● Scene is played in gibberish
● Side people translate
● Physicality helps tons
2 way dub
● Same as foreign film except players are mouthing instead of gibberish
Dime Story Novel
● 1 typewriter narrating
● 3 people playing the scene
Forward Reverse
● Host controls game by saying “forward” or “reverse” (or other things)
● Short lines
● Big movements
● Move between lines
● Don’t be correct, be funny
Half Time
● One minute scene
● Same scene in 30 sec
● Same scene in 15 sec
● Short sentences
● Big action
● Don’t talk over each other
Big Book of Improv Games
● 3 objects to solve a problem
● Make a scene out of it
One Good Thing
- Tomer’s brain is amazing
- Kristie’s physicality
- Nice to get out of a funk
- Kate sets up scenes well
- Great flow- fun
- Yay scene based!
- Helps forget about a day
- So much positive feedback