We Jammed!
- Super fun to get on stage
- College Ruled
- Great experience
o A date with me
o 2 way dub
▪ Remember to mouth the words if you are being dubbed
▪ Have dubbers face dub-es
o Conducted story
▪ We want more weird hand signs pls
Our grad show is May 14 th at 3pm
Different types of audiences
- Raunchy
- Shy couples
- Kids
How to handle bad suggestions - Clarify
- Ask for a new word
- Ignore it
- Host should handle the audience
If an audience member is on stage, make them shine!
Dr. Know-it-all
- One word at a time to answer a question (group game)
Oracle - One word at a time answers but with weird arms (lined up one behind another)
Pillars - Two people play scene and ask “pillar” for words to fill in blanks
Pen Pals - Like pillars except you use the audience for suggestions and you are writing letters to each other
Slips or “Blind Line” - Scene players leave the room
- Host gets lines to write on slips of paper
- Players return and have to use the slips as lines in their scene
- Go back and forth with slips
- End scene on the last slip
A day in the life - Interview an audience member
- Cast members ask out a day in their life
- Make sure to punch up or sideways when playing the person (especially if they are a difference
gender, race, etc than you are)
Takeaways - Be ready for anything
- Make them the star
- Cater your performance to what audience you have
Good Things - Playing the pill popper
- Slips is fun
- Pillars fun!
- Ladies and gentleman, this is mambo #5
- Lots of fun games
- Mini show at the beginning
- Slips
- Love audience participation
- Day in the life of Dane
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