Taking the suggestion– At the top of an improv show, we ask the audience for a word to help inspire our scenes. When getting the suggestion, remember to come out to the very front of the stage. Make eye contact with the audience, smile and remember to thank the audience member after for the suggestion. (Ex: Hi we are (Group Name) All we need to get started is a one word suggestion! Thank you! (Audience suggestion) when the lights come up!) You then all move to either sides of the stage to begin the show. Remember to repeat the word so the rest of the cast can hear it, incase they missed it!
Closing out the show – At the end of your show you will all come out on stage, interlock hands with one another, raise your arms up and take a bow. After you will gesture to the tech, to thank them for running your show. You then all walk in the same direction backstage to meet back with us!
Showcase structure – You will do a 22-25 min montage based on the suggestion you recieved. Remember to like each other fun, support each other most importantly have fun!
Additional Notes
- You can use A to C to push y’alls creativity! Instead of every scene being about the word you got in the suggestion, you can use A to C to build on so much more in your showcase!
- If you ever find yourself not knowing about a specific reference or profession. Remember you are the expert! Whatever you think it is, that’s what that is! And your team mates should support you!
- Remember your character doesn’t always have to agree to do something in a scene and not have it be a denial. You can disagree or not do something if it makes you uncomfortable and still be in character and acknowledge the world. Safety first!